• Logo of We Make The Path CIC: a hand-drawn hedgehog looks to their left. The text circles them and reads We Make The Path - Community Cooperative. The animal and the text are in light blue on a darker, blue-green background.

    One to one

    Who are you? What do you want?

  • These are fundamental questions which go right to the heart of your skill, capacity, and willingness to take action towards the kind of life you desire, even in the smallest of ways.


    This is perhaps even more the case for chronically ill people, as we try to discern the difference between a genuine lack of capacity, the real effects of living in an ableist world, and our illusory limiting beliefs, as well as navigating the often painful gap between where we are and where we want to be.


    One to one work with We Make The Path offers a dedicated space in which you can feel safe to explore and unfold your experiences and beliefs, desires and limits. It can help you to become more skilled in discernment, more deeply rooted in your self, and more confident in making choices about who you are, what you want, your place in the world, and what you will create.

    How it works

    One to one sessions are with our founder and programme director, Elinor Predota.


    Elinor always starts with where you are, and uses your goals for our work together as a compass for our work together. El has specific training and experience in spiritual counselling, person-centred relating, being with difficult emotions, energy work, ancestor reverence and other forms of spirit relationship, and cultural and religious diversity.


    You can expect Elinor to:

    • always work with you towards your goals;

    • hold space for you and support you to orient yourself;

    • listen to you deeply;

    • ask you crucial questions;

    • invite you into your body and breath, as a doorway into your own deep wisdom;

    • support you to create your own personal practices to nourish and resource you;

    • hold you accountable to your commitments;

    • close each session by ensuring you are fully present, here and now, and ready to return to your day.

    Each session lasts for one hour, and is normally delivered via video call (e.g. Zoom) or via text conversation (e.g. Signal). Sessions are usually two weeks apart, but weekly or monthly meetings can also be arranged.


    One to one sessions are offered on a sliding scale per session, as follows:

    • Access: £60

    • Support: £90

    • Equity: £120

    • Justice: £150

    To find out where you might place yourself on this sliding scale, we've created a simple survey which you can complete here.

    How do we start?

    We only take bookings for one to one sessions after a free, initial chat. This is to answer any questions you may have, ensure we're a good fit, and to agree on frequency and number of meetings, fee level, and any payment plan before we start working together.

    To schedule a chat, click here.